Vol 134 (2024)

Morfološka variabilnost črnike (Quercus ilex L.) v Sloveniji = Morphological variability of holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) in Slovenia  Licenca Creative Commons
Martin Jež, Robert Brus, Kristjan Jarni
[PDF] DOI 10.20315/ASetL.134.1
Prispelo / Received: 18. 3. 2024, Sprejeto / Accepted: 28. 4. 2024, Objavljeno / Published:  12. 9. 2024

Vol. 133 (2024)

Patterns of deadwood volume and dynamics in slovenian forests  = Značilnosti in dinamika odmrlega lesa v slovenskih gozdovih  Licenca Creative Commons
Gal Kušar, Mathias Neumann
[PDF] DOI 10.20315/ASetL.133.1
Prispelo / Received: 27. 11. 2023, Sprejeto / Accepted: 19. 2. 2024, Objavljeno / Published:  21. 6. 2024

Cene gozdnih zemljišč v Sloveniji v obdobju 2018-2022 = Prices of forest land in Slovenia in the period  Licenca Creative Commons
Matjaž Dovečar, Jaša Saražin, Matevž Triplat
[PDF] DOI 10.20315/ASetL.133.2
Prispelo / Received: 17. 10. 2023, Sprejeto / Accepted: 29. 1. 2024, Objavljeno / Published: 21. 6. 2024

Lastnosti lesa iz rudnika Sitarjevec  = Properties of wood from the Sitarjevec mine Licenca Creative Commons
Miha Humar, Boštjan Lesar, Davor Kržišnik, Andreja Pondelak, Andrijana Sever Škapin, Angela Balzano, José Gonçalves
[PDF] DOI 10.20315/ASetL.133.3
Prispelo / Received: 10. 1. 2024, Sprejeto / Accepted: 27. 3. 2024, Objavljeno / Published: 21. 6. 2024

Vol. 132 (2023)

Patogenost izolatov izbranih vrst gliv na Pinus sylvestris L. in P. nigra Arnold = Pathogenicity of selected fungal species isolates on Pinus sylvestris L. and P. nigra Arnold Licenca Creative Commons
Ana Brglez, Barbara Piškur, Nikica Ogris
[PDF] DOI 10.20315/ASetL.132.1
Prispelo / Received: 21. 7. 2023, Sprejeto / Accepted: 7. 9. 2023, Objavljeno / Published:  16. 12. 2023

Ocenjevanje kakovosti zraka na izbranih lokacijah v Mežiški dolini z uporabo epifitskih lišajev = Assessment of air quality at selected locations in the Meža valley using epiphytic lichens Licenca Creative Commons
Samar Al Sayegh Petkovšek, Teja Sterže, Helena Poličnik
[PDF] DOI 10.20315/ASetL.132.2
Prispelo / Received: 2. 10. 2023, Sprejeto / Accepted: 5. 12. 2023, Objavljeno / Published:  18. 12. 2023

The influence of storage conditions and DNA extraction protocol on the results of molecular analysis of the European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.). = Vpliv postopkov shranjevanja in ekstrakcije celokupne DNA na rezultate molekularne analize osmerozobega smrekovega lubadarja (Ips typographus L.) Licenca Creative Commons
Zina Devetak, Andreja Kavčič, Maarten de Groot, Barbara Piškur
[PDF] DOI 10.20315/ASetL.132.3
Prispelo / Received: 28. 8. 2023, Sprejeto / Accepted: 13. 12. 2023, Objavljeno / Published:  29. 12. 2023

Understanding commitment to agroforestry: a cross-sectional study among a sample of Nigerian farmers = Razumevanje predanosti kmetijsko-gozdarskim sistemom: presečna raziskava vzorca nigerijskih kmetovalcev  Licenca Creative Commons
Fausat Motunrayo Ibrahim, Adebayo Samson Adeoye, Adenike Olubunmi Ajanaku, Bukola Hannah Ugege, Olajumoke Celinah Odeyale, Olabode Oluseye Olayemi, Oluwole Olalekan Oke
[PDF] DOI 10.20315/ASetL.131.1
Prispelo / Received: 23. 3. 2022, Sprejeto / Accepted: 20. 7. 2023, Objava sprejete verzije / Online first of accepted version: 1. 8. 2023

Acta Silvae et Ligni   |   ISSN-P 2335-3112 ISSN-O 2335-3953   |   editor@asetl.si