Avtor: Maja Peteh | 17. Avg 2021 | Prispevki
Modeliranje višinske in debelinske rasti dominantnih dreves ter ocenjevanje indeksov produkcijske sposobnosti gozdnih rastišč = Modeling height and diameter growth of dominant trees and estimating site productivity indices Andrej Bončina, Vasilije Trifković, Živa...
Avtor: Maja Peteh | 26. Mar 2021 | Prispevki
Gostota lesa – metode določanja in pomen pri razvoju gozdno lesnega biogospodarstva = Wood density – determination methods and importance in the development of the forest-based bioeconomy Domen Arnič, Miha Humar, Davor Kržišnik, Luka Krajnc, Peter...
Avtor: Maja Peteh | 18. Nov 2020 | Prispevki
Uspevanje omorike (Picea omorika (Pančić) Purk.) v generativnem semenskem nasadu Počivalnik pri Postojni = The success of Serbian spruce (Picea omorika (Pančić) Purk.) in the Počivalnik generative seed plantation near Postojna Sebastian Bambič, Kristjan Jarni, Gregor...
Avtor: Maja Peteh | 20. Avg 2020 | Prispevki
Analiza uspešnosti prodaje gozdnih lesnih sortimentov v gozdarski zadrugi lastnikov gozdov Pohorje – Kozjak = Analysis of the effectiveness of forest wood products sales in the Pohorje – Kozjak private forest owner cooperative Gregor Černač, Špela...
Avtor: Maja Peteh | 31. Mar 2020 | Prispevki
The influence of abiotic and biotic disturbances on the protective effect of alpine forests against avalanches and rockfalls = Vpliv abiotskih in biotskih motenj na varovalni učinek alpskih gozdov pr ed snežnimi plazovi in skalnimi podori Domen Oven, Barbara Žabota,...
Avtor: Maja Peteh | 4. Nov 2019 | Prispevki
Vpliv suše na drobne korenine dreves in ektomikorizo v gozdnih ekosistemih = Effects of drought on tree fine roots and ectomycorrhiza in forest ecosystems Tanja Mrak, Hojka Kraigher [PDF] DOI 10.20315/ASetL.120.1 Prispelo / Received: 22. 7. 2019, Sprejeto / Accepted:...