Avtor: Maja Peteh | 31. Mar 2020 | Prispevki
The influence of abiotic and biotic disturbances on the protective effect of alpine forests against avalanches and rockfalls = Vpliv abiotskih in biotskih motenj na varovalni učinek alpskih gozdov pr ed snežnimi plazovi in skalnimi podori Domen Oven, Barbara Žabota,...
Avtor: Maja Peteh | 31. Mar 2020 | Zadnje številke
Avtor: Simon | 26. Dec 2019 | Zadnje številke
Avtor: Simon | 26. Dec 2019 | Zadnje številke
Avtor: Simon | 26. Dec 2019 | Zadnje številke
Avtor: Maja Peteh | 4. Nov 2019 | Prispevki
Vpliv suše na drobne korenine dreves in ektomikorizo v gozdnih ekosistemih = Effects of drought on tree fine roots and ectomycorrhiza in forest ecosystems Tanja Mrak, Hojka Kraigher [PDF] DOI 10.20315/ASetL.120.1 Prispelo / Received: 22. 7. 2019, Sprejeto / Accepted:...
Avtor: Maja Peteh | 11. Sep 2019 | Prispevki
Seasonal radial growth of Black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold) from Bosnia and Herzegovina, monitored by the pinning method and manual band dendrometers = Sezonska debelinska rast črnega bora (Pinus nigra Arnold) iz Bosne in Hercegovine, spremljana z metodo pining in...
Avtor: Maja Peteh | 13. Jul 2019 | Prispevki
Raba krmišč pri navadnem muflonu (Ovis orientalis musimon) na Gorenjskem = Use of artificial feeding sites by European mouflon (Ovis orientalis musimon) in the Gorenjska region, Slovenia Žiga Marenk, Miha Krofel [PDF] DOI 10.20315/ASetL.118.1 Pregled metod za...